Make a difference. Become a sponsor.
Theatre requires extraordinary support and commitment from everyone — the artists, technicians, staff, volunteers, our community and most importantly business like you. Believing in theatre is an agent of challenge, change, and education. Monsoon Theatre presents and produces outstanding performances to enhance the lives of our students and the community. Dedicated to presenting exciting, high-quality professional theatre, our purpose is to:
Introduce and immerse the students in the performing arts
Build confidence and self-esteem
Develop a positive and professional work ethic
Create an emotional, caring, and social environment that educates the whole child
Build positive memories for a lifetime
This year we are looking for business sponsorships to help our program grow. By becoming a 2024-2025 Monsoon Theatre sponsor you will play an essential role in the Mayfair Middle/High School drama programs success. Your generous gift will support our current and future productions, bring the love of theatre to our school and community, and help provide a creative place for our students to express themselves. Help us reach our goal of raising $5,000 through sponsorships for the program we love!
Sponsorship Levels
Become a sponsor today.
Platinum Level Sponsor $1,000+
-A full page ad in this year's playbill
-Your company logo on all 3 of our promotional banners which hang on the front of the school
-Your company logo on our sponsorship posters inside the MPB where we hold all our shows
-A complimentary reserved VIP table to a performance of your choice
-Priority line access to all shows you attend
-A thank you plaque including a picture of the cast for your company's place of business
-Your company logo and link to your website on our website
-Your company logo and shout out on our social media platflorms
Gold Level Sponsor $500+
-A half page ad in this year's playbill
-Your company logo on all 3 of our promotional banners which hang on the front of the school
-Your company logo on our sponsorship posters inside the MPB where we hold all our shows
-6 complimentary tickets and reserved seating to a performance of your choice
-Priority line access to all shows you attend
-A signed and framed cast photo
-Your company logo and website link on our website
-Your company logo and shoutout on our social media platforms
Silver Level Sponsor $250+
-A quarter page ad in this year's playbill
-Your company logo on our sponsorship posters inside the MPB where we hold all our shows
-4 complimentary tickets to a performance of your choice
-Priority line access to all shows you attend
-A signed and framed cast photo
-Your company logo and website link on our website
-Your company logo and shoutout on our social media platforms
Bronze Level Sponsor $250+
-An eighth page ad in this year's playbill
-Your company logo on our sponsorship posters inside the MPB where we hold all of our shows
-2 complimentary tickets to a performance of your choice
-Priority line access to all shows you attend
-Your company logo and website link on our website
-Your company logo and shoutout on our social media platforms